An Inspiring Social Media Success Story
In this blog, I will highlight and discuss one of my favourite Social Media success stories. Coconut Bliss. They are a small organic dessert company based in Eugene, Oregon, USA. They began their journey back in 2005 and their dedication to promoting their brand through Social Media landed them benefiting tremendously across all platforms.
Technorati (a search engine and a publisher advertising platform) discovered in their 2011 State of the Blogosphere report that bloggers use photos more than any other type of media (80% use photos, around 50% use videos and many fewer for all other formats). Coconut Bloss use this technique to their advantage very well with a very colourful and fun approach to market their brand.
Coconut Bliss are known for getting their customers involved in their social media journey. One way they get people active is by reposting customers and influencer’s photos onto their own page. In doing this it cuts down on the time they need to spend creating content but also gives a home-made/local feel to the brand, it also shows they care about their customers.
Being a big brand in 2021 brings a lot of responsibility and requirements for the customers. Coconut Bliss are well aware of this with their openness and proudness of being an organic, plant based and sustainably made company. They show this by stating it clear on their social media platforms such as Instagram… they even state to be ‘ the Evolution of Ice Cream.’ on Twitter!!
Coconut Bliss’ story inspired me to join the Social Directions Agency team because they showed me how powerful social media can be and how it’s continuously growing.
Thanks for reading and I would love to hear about your favourite success story in the comments below!
Carla Andreucetti
Head of creative