Getting Yourself Out Of A Creative Rut


We have all been there, whether it’s in our daily or working life found ourselves stuck in the dreaded creation rut and when we do find ourselves here, there can be even a bigger pressure to get ourselves out of it.

In this short blog post I’m going to highlight my top 4 ways of breaking free from the creation rut and get you back thriving in your field of life.

1. Get inspired

Now, I know this can be soooo much easier said than done, But, it’s also one of the simplest ways to get your mojo back. When you’re doing the same thing day in day out it can become very repetitive very quickly so changing up your daily routine can spark something and get you back.

Taking a walk around a park or the city can do wonders for your mind, pay close attention to things like light, colours and people. If getting out is not your thing, try trusty Pinterest!

2. Try something new

Is painting not your thing? Why not try it? Challenging your brain in a different way that it is used to can be a great way to think differently, leading to an array of new ideas. You would also be surprised at how many things you enjoy doing that you’ve never tried before.

3. Find ‘your people’

Having the wrong people around you can be toxic for your creative mind. We are supposed to thrive off each other, so having like-minded friends in your life can do wonders for your creative flow. If you take a look at your life and there is anyone that you feel puts a break on you being you, maybe take a step away and see how different you will feel.

4. Switch off

I find when the methods above don’t work for me, sometimes I just have to switch off completely, This meaning I step away from social media, from socialising and really try to just be by myself. Usually, this is my last resort, but in doing this I find I come back stronger and more creative than ever! So don’t be afraid of being with yourself for a while.

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I really hope this helps in some ways!

Thanks for reading!

Carla Andreucetti

Head of creative


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