The Top 5 Social Media Trends Of 2021


2021 has been the year of oversized clothing, TikTok dances and different ways to style your mask with your outfit, I could go on and on about all the different life trends we have seen over the past year, but in this short blog post I am going to write about the top 4 social media trends of 2021 so far.

  1. Live Streaming.

With the world becoming adapted to the new covid lifestyle, live streaming was more popular than ever and will continue to become the new norm. People have accepted that a trip to the cinema or a football game has come to a stand still, resulting in people staying in and streaming their choice of entertainment.

We are also seeing more and more customer service carried out by live streaming. This includes activities, such as setting up bank accounts, that would have been unthinkable in the past.

2. Influencer Marketing.

Using influencers as a marketing tool is not a new way of selling your product, but it’s also not going anywhere anytime soon. In most cases hiring an influencer to market your product can work out a lot cheaper than investing in a paid ad campaign on platforms such as Facebook.

3. Virtual Reality (VR).

The urge to stay home is going to stay around for a little longer than we would like, but this is not stopping brands from reaching their customers. A lot of companies have released new ways to interact with their audience, such as using VR. Virtual reality allows people to feel apart of a team without having the in person connection.

Take Facebook Horizon, for example. As of early 2021, Facebook is leveraging the Oculus VR platform to beta-test a virtual world that allows people to explore, connect with others, and play games.

4. Short form videos.

With the booming explosion of TikTok and its short and snappy video format, it’s no wonder viewers don’t want to stick around for any longer than 1 minute to get the information or entertainment they desire. It’s been very clear that the attention span of the audience has lessened, putting pressure on brands and platforms to deliver their content in a shorted amount of time. Not only has instagram hopped on this trend, we are starting to see video format content being pushed on other platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook.

Let us know in the comment section below, what trends do you think will continue to sore for the rest of the year and into 2022.

Thanks for reading!

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Carla Andreucetti

Head of Creative

Social Directions Agency


Getting Yourself Out Of A Creative Rut


The Wonderful World Of Instagram.