Why you should let your employees be your brand ambassadors on social media

Social media can help your business attract customers, build loyalty, and boost your market reach. While it may seem black and white regarding organic and paid efforts, one free strategy you may not be thinking of for social media success is allowing your employees to be your brand ambassadors. 

This greatly benefits your business and your employees because you get reach, growth, and leads for free, and they can improve their professional profile and demonstrate thought leadership. Continue reading to learn why you should let your employees be your brand ambassadors on social media. 

Your internal team are your best brand advocates

You may be thinking, why do you need your employees to promote your brand? However, this is one of the best ways you can raise awareness and interest in your business. Think of it like word of mouth. Hearing directly from the company can come across as a bit salesy. 

By contrast, hearing from employees offers a different perspective that customers may connect with more. They have their own networks of individuals on social media and within these networks could be many potential customers. Therefore, if your employees start to become your brand ambassadors, your business is put in front of more eyes every day. 

This can only equate to more growth and business. The way employees can do this is through their branding and by sharing knowledge and skills they have acquired from the organisation they work for. Others will then see this and want to acquire those skills and knowledge and immediately go to your website to find out more and likely avail of your products and services. 

As you can see, it is a real win-win scenario or a collaboration/partnership whereby the employees are showcasing their skills and knowledge to people that respect them in the industry and improving their career profile. All the while, the business is growing as a result, so this approach allows you to collectively grow together. 

Your employees are already likely your internal advocates. They decided to join your company because they were inspired or passionate about what you do. In addition, they most likely use your products or services and have a plethora of knowledge about them. Ultimately, they are excited about what you are doing, so why not utilise all of this to boost your results on social media? 

How to get your team to be your brand ambassadors on social media? 

Now that you understand how your internal team members can be your best brand advocates, you are likely wondering how to execute this. It can be as simple as having them reshare your posts with their thoughts but also extends to other things like:

  • Having them use your brand colours as the background in their LinkedIn profile photograph

  • Including your business in their LinkedIn title and making sure they have their position listed on their profile

  • Sharing their expertise on any of their social media platforms that relate directly to the products or services your company offers. For instance, touching on the latest trends or news. 

There are many other ways you can get your team on board to be your brand ambassadors, these are just some techniques. If you want to get the most out of this collaboration, the best thing to do is to meet with your team and discuss what they would feel comfortable doing and create a plan. 


Your team are an excellent resource for driving business growth, and they are likely ready and waiting to be your cheerleaders! Making your employees your brand ambassadors on social media has huge benefits for the business and team members alike. Is your brand already doing this? 

Let us know in the comments below if you are already or plan on starting after reading this article. If you want to bring your social media to the next level and become industry-leading, contact us, and we can create a strategy that underpins all of your social goals so you can experience immense growth. 


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