What Not To Do When Promoting Through Social Media.

In this day and age it is pretty strange to come across a small business or brand that does not have a Social Media presence. But it is also very intimidating to get started if you are not familiar with the Social Media world. In this blog post I’m going to help you get started by telling you my top 5 tips on what you should NOT do when getting your brand onto Social Media.

  • Overthinking

A lot of businesses think that social media is all about planning and keeping ‘trendy’. In most cases it is, but it is a lot more important to be present. This meaning, just start posting videos, photos, blog posts. Just get your content out there so people notice you, the planning and following trends can come later when you are more established on Social Media.

  • Ignoring the world

Followers love nothing more but to see a human presence on their favourite brand’s page, this can be done by liking comments, replying back to people through dm (direct messages) and following other like-minded/similar companies. So don’t be that brand that don’t interact with their followers!! nobody really likes them!

  • Oversharer

Yes I know I just told you to have a human presence on your page, but that does not mean everyone wants to know what you had for your dinner. People do love to be nosy and see what is happening behind the scenes on their favourite brand or business, but it also should be done professionally. Using the story feature on apps like Instagram and Snapchat are a great way of doing this.

  • Self Promoting 24/7

Having a business or brand on Social Media is most likely there to promote, but it shouldn’t be used as the main tool for promotion. Users on platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are usually online to be entertained, they want humour and an easy scroll through their news feed. The last thing these users want is an advertisement popping up every 2/3 posts. Some Social Media platforms like LinkedIn and Pinterest are more successful in this kind of promotion if that is what your brand calls for.

  • Staying in the ‘Safe Zone’

Social Media is one of the best ways of self expression, so take advantage of this with your brand. Users online love to see authenticity and creativeness, so play around with humour and off branded conversations. This could potentially attract a different target market to your brand, but this is not always a bad thing as having a diverse audience will give you more confidence in getting out of your Social Media comfort zone!

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I hope this helped! Until next time!

Head of Creative

Social Directions Agency



The Wonderful World Of Instagram.


A blog from Sarah Jane, The Intern.