A blog from Sarah Jane, The Intern.


My parents’ generation (soooo old!) don’t understand that Social Media isn’t a distraction from social and human interaction, it actually is social and human interaction. I’m Sarah Jane, 16 years old, just finished transition year, and proudly, excitedly starting an internship at the Social Directions Agency.

I wanted this internship because we (i.e. people my age) routinely spend more than 8 hours every day on social media, scrolling, liking, commenting, learning and buying! There is an endless supply of ‘stuff’ on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and all other social media platforms. If you want to be heard, you simply have to use these platforms. If you want to be heard by many, or those who matter to you – then you need to know how to use these platforms. That’s what I’m hoping to learn at Social Directions Agency!! – how to reach the people who matter.

My (current!!) major life goal is to become the CEO of the major tech company that I will create myself. I know that my company won’t be able to grow without social media, because in this day and age if your company isn’t on social you have 10 times the amount of work to do to achieve the reach that a company that is leveraging, TikToks and Instagram posts can. So it is a no brainer for me to learn about the ins and outs of how to grow a business through social media. In fact, social media will be essential for me to be a success in the future.  

I understand that social media can be a daunting place for many, particularly founders whose focus may be elsewhere (inventing/coding/fund raising etc). This is where social media managers come in. They take all your worries away that relate to social media, and help you grow your business at the same time. I think companies like Social Directions Agency, create content for you that engages viewers and potential customers and entices them to learn more about your company. That’s what I want to learn how to do!

As a young adult in 2021, I cannot express how important social media is. It enables you to stay up to date with friends and family, network with people around the globe and to promote and raise awareness for things you care about. It is a platform that is growing and innovating every day and is only going to get bigger and better.


Sarah Jane

Intern with Social Directions Agency

June 2021


What Not To Do When Promoting Through Social Media.


The SDA Members Area & The Importance Of Networking