How to implement results-driven marketing

At Social Directions Agency (SDA), we are constantly evolving, so we can better position our clients to achieve their desired outcomes. One major shift we have made over the last few years is becoming a results-driven marketing agency. This means we work closely with our clients to achieve the volume of website visitors, leads generated, and sales they seek. 

There are a lot of ways we do this, and being results-driven is not a strategy that only works for marketing agencies. Any business can become more results-focused, particularly to ensure the success of their social media campaigns. Keep reading as we talk about why implementing a results-driven marketing approach is important and how to take the first steps. 

What exactly do we mean when we say ‘results-driven marketing’?

Results-driven marketing is essentially a strategic marketing approach. It emphasises and focuses on setting clear objectives and achieving desired outcomes. This form of marketing combines the greatest data-driven marketing practices to enable you to assess the most relevant data points. 

We align our communication and strategies with the objectives of our clients to drive measurable business results. To conquer this, we ask crucial questions like what our client’s goals are, what success looks like for them, and what our partnership with them will look like. 

We look for answers beyond simply making more money but things like building a dedicated community of supporters, for example. With results-driven marketing, you focus on the right data, which helps you streamline your decision-making. It also helps you better optimise your marketing efforts to reach the right customers.

Why is results-driven marketing important? 

There are many benefits to becoming more results focused. In essence, it can be an excellent way to grow your business and ensure success. Becoming results-driven means enhancing organic reach, improving team collaboration, and increasing brand awareness. 

You’ll have greater visibility of how you are performing concerning your objectives, and your business will benefit from the detailed data you collect on your campaigns. From this information, you will be able to make informed decisions that drive conversions. 

Additionally, you can identify areas of improvement to unlock further business growth, success, and opportunities. All of this allows for efficient testing, targeting, scaling opportunities, and optimisation to drive maximum return on investment (ROI) within any budget. Therefore, becoming results-focused is a surefire way to achieve real business results. 

How Social Directions Agency implements a results-driven marketing approach for its clients 

Now that you have a greater understanding of what results-driven marketing means, we’re going to share some ways we implement this approach with our clients.

Organic social media content

The first step in our results-driven marketing approach is publishing organic social media content to our client’s social media accounts. There’s no denying the benefits of organic social media for brand growth. Customers need seven touchpoints before they make a purchase. 

This is why we make sure to post three to four times per week on our client’s social media accounts. An organic social media strategy enables you to deeply connect with your audience. It has a knock-on effect on your paid strategy, too by enabling you to understand which posts perform best so you can get the best bang for your buck!

Leveraging social media ads

The next step is we leverage social media ads. This is truly where the magic happens as the ads enable us to achieve the client’s desired results. The content we create for these ads performs time and time again. 

Our team gets more and more efficient with transforming that content into impressions, clicks, leads, and most important, sales. We get to know our client’s conversion rate and assess this with their desired outcome. Once we know this data, we can create campaigns that bring in the results we are looking for. 

We track everything

Another key thing we do to be a results-driven social media marketing agency is we track absolutely everything. We want to make sure our clients have full visibility of how our efforts are helping them to achieve their goals. 

Plus, if we didn’t track, how would we know whether our strategies are working? After all, we adopt this approach so we are serving the best interests of our clients. We send them monthly reports on their organic and paid social media results. 

We make sure these reports are easy to understand and only have the most important information so that they are not too overwhelming. Additionally, we share frequent big and small wins in our client WhatsApp group chats to offer even more insights.


Being a results-driven social media marketing agency allows us to know what success looks like for our clients but also enables our clients to see firsthand the benefits of working with a social media agency. This approach means we know every week, every month, and every year that we are achieving our client’s desired results, making this a really valuable partnership! 


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