What is good content? How to create value in every post

At Social Directions Agency, we deal with lots of different clients. They come to us for help because they lack time but also due to our expertise. Often businesses allocate social media duties to a member of staff who is already juggling many different hats. 

They find themselves asking the same questions as our clients: what is good content? At first, it may seem like a pretty loaded, subjective question. However, there is an answer to this question, and once you know it and implement it, you’ll ultimately level up on social media.  

Let’s break all of this down further below.

What makes good content?

As mentioned above, there are some elements that make content good or bad. Behind every excellent social media account is a strong understanding of what good content is. Put simply, good content is giving the viewer something in return for watching and interacting with the content. 

It could be that you made them laugh or inspired them to purchase the stylish sofa you featured in your recent Instagram carousel post. Alternatively, if you sell custom-built pods, it could educate them about the building process. This is where content pillars come into play; they guide your strategy and help you create good content! 

What are content pillars, and how do I implement them?

Content pillars are themes or topics that inform your overall social media content strategy. They pinpoint the goal you hope to achieve when you share the content. Below are some examples of content pillars and what they do.

Humour: to make the audience laugh and reveal your human side, so they better connect with you.

Inspire: to encourage them to do something that makes them happy, which likely includes purchasing your product/s. 

Educate: to inform them about the process of creating your product/service or teach them about other elements related to your offering. This causes the viewer to invest in your product/service. 

Community: sharing posts that help you build a social media community/family. This also helps you reveal your human side and better connect with the audience. 

As you can see, content pillars are instrumental when it comes to sharing good content on social media that your audience will connect with. Now that you understand a bit more, you are probably wondering how to implement these pillars across your strategy.

It all boils down to the planning. You need to get your thinking cap on and select content pillars that best suit your business’s goals on social media. For example, if you are an interior design service, perhaps a humour content pillar will not serve you best. 

(Example of content pillars used on TikTok)

In contrast, inspire could be a real winner! The goal is to ensure you add value to every post you publish on social media. Once you have created your strategy around content pillars, you need to ask yourself if the posts are ticking all the boxes to fulfil the pillars. 

If you are not ticking a box of giving the viewer something for engaging and seeing the piece of content, don’t expect that content to perform well. Think about what they see, and if you think this way, you’ll quickly start churning out much better content that performs and helps you achieve your goals. 


The digital world, mainly social media, is overflowing with businesses and individuals creating great content. While this may make you feel like your content isn’t good enough, it doesn’t have to. You also can create content that packs a punch. 

Creating good content is not all in videography or photography skills. This is important, but so is ensuring the content you are putting out into the world is valuable. It’s all about giving something back to the viewer for their engagement. This will not only see you posting great content but also content that helps you get closer to achieving your goals.


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