Getting on top of your content

Okay, so let’s get straight to it. For the success of any social media campaign, we always want to be in the position of being organised with our content. We have a plan, we know our content pillars, but most importantly, we have a schedule full of content weeks in advance so that when sh*t hits the fan and work pull us in a direction that makes content creation impossible, the content still stays consistent.


Consistency is key with social media. Trust me, without consistency, it’s hard to know what’s working. Followers drop off, engagement goes up and down like a yo-yo, and in general, it’s just a place we want to avoid.

If you’re already a social media management client of ours, you’ll know that we always like to stay at least 1 month ahead of schedule at all times. If something urgent has to be posted, we make room in the schedule and slot it in. This leaves us all feeling far from overwhelmed and in a nice calm headspace.

Okay, Zack, I’ve just realised I’m super unorganised… what do I do?

Do not fear. Here’s how to get on top of things. Spend a week collecting random content ideas. You’ll be surprised by how many come to your head when you're out walking, shopping or sitting watching the tv. Each time one pops into the brain, whip out the phone and write it down. After a week, you’ll find that you’ve got a list of ideas. Schedule a full day into your diary for taking those ideas and creating content around them. This needs to be scheduled and nothing else that day because being creative Is tough work, and it requires brain space. Aim for 4 posts a week. This is the sweet spot and means your posting pretty much every second day.


Build yourself a simple excel sheet with the dates coming up and label the columns

  • To be posted

  • Link to content (we use Dropbox or Google suite to upload and generate the links)

  • Platform to be posted on (Note where you want the content to be posted)

And that’s it. You’ve gone ahead and your future self with thank you. After that, it’s a process of repeating. One day every month, and after time you’ll get the hang of it.

The next step will be figuring out what’s working, which is what we will cover in our next post, but for now, promise me you’ll focus on getting consistent with the content creation.

Lastly, if you’ve realised that content creation is not for you! Reach out to one of the Social Directions Agency team, and we can discuss us taking over your social media and managing this whole process for you!





Social Directions Agency


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