Struggling to get likes, comments, and shares on your posts?

Are you putting a lot of time and effort into your social media content but experiencing low engagement on your posts? As we’ve mentioned time and time again, the social media landscape is ever-changing, and it can be hard to keep up with. The algorithm is not easy to follow, and what worked a few weeks ago may no longer be an effective strategy. 

Engagement is an important social media metric; it’s not just about getting your content in front of more audiences, it’s about building a strong community of brand advocates. In essence, engagement allows you to access a bigger audience pool, increase brand trust, humanise your company, and get a better search engine presence. 

Keep reading as we dive into the reasons you may not be getting the number of likes, comments, and shares you want and how to turn this around for ultimate business growth and success. 

Why you are not getting engagement on your posts

As you can see, having a good engagement rate is crucial. In saying that, there is a multitude of reasons why you could be experiencing low engagement on those social media posts you spend so much time on. Below are our top three reasons you are not getting engagement on your posts and how to fix these issues. 

1.Your page and content aren’t ‘niche enough’

One reason you may be struggling to get quality engagement on your posts recently could be down to the fact you have a pretty broad audience. We’re noticing this a lot with clients at the moment; they have built up their followings over the years which has brought in people under lots of different niches. 

Whilst this is great news to have a rich, diverse audience, the way the algorithm works at the moment means posts are only being shown to small percentages of your followers. Based on how they engage with the post, the platform will decide whether to push the post further to more people that could potentially enjoy the content. This is why niche accounts, in particular, are experiencing growth a lot faster. 

Their content is falling into the lap of people who are passionate and interested in their niche area. As a result, they engage with it which effectively boosts the post, getting even more eyes on the content. It is for this reason that we decided to niche our Social Directions Agency TikTok to be solely about social media. 

This can be a bit disappointing for those who have built up their rich audiences over the years. However, if you have the opportunity to restart and niche your page, we highly recommend it to increase engagement on your posts and put your brand back on the social media map to success. 

2. You aren’t giving your audience what they want

This one goes in line with the previous point. If you aren’t giving your audience the content they want, chances are they won’t engage with your posts. Social media users want to feel as though they are part of a community for the brands they follow. When you start publishing the content they desire, you will see a positive spike in engagement. 

By the same token, if you do not give them what they want, your engagement will likely remain low and worst case scenario, your followers could too continue to drop off. This is yet another reason why making your accounts more ‘niche’ to your industry could work well in your favour when it comes to encouraging followers to engage with your posts. 

3. Your personality isn’t showing through your content

It’s important to keep in mind that the social media space is competitive with many different businesses. Some of these companies are likely quite similar to yours. One way to stand out from the crowd is by humanising your brand online.

You can do this by showing your personality through your content. Followers appreciate accounts that clearly show a passionate human is behind the brand and the social media accounts. If you fail to showcase your personality and the central message of all your posts is to buy your product or services, it shouldn’t shock you that your engagement rates are low. 

Think about what your brand is and what it stands for, and determine the right tone of voice. From here, you’ll know exactly how to speak with your social media audience in a means that inspires them to participate and become part of the business virtually. 


With so much competition on social media platforms, businesses are fighting for their spotlight. In the process of trying to get the limelight, you may find you are struggling to get likes, comments, and shares on your posts. Not to fret, the majority of businesses experience low engagement rates from time to time. We’ve identified three main reasons why your engagement could be low and ways to address this. 

Above all else, we recommend making your content more niche and aligned with the industry you are operating in. If you are ready to take your social media to the next level of success, contact us today, and we would be delighted to create a robust social media strategy underpinning your digital goals. 


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