4 Social Media Predictions for 2022


Now, I know what you’re thinking….. “2022 is still three months away”, “2021 is not over yet” but we all know how quickly the months pass and more importantly how quickly trends move in and out. For this week’s blog, I wanted to take a look at a handful of predictions that Social Media experts expect to see happen in 2022.

1. Social Media becomes the No. 1 shopping destination

This one is no surprise, as there was a massive rise in online retail due to the pandemic. But with the pandemic slowing down the demand for online shopping is nowhere near slowing down.

In 2021, there will be over 230 million US digital buyers—a 1.32 percent increase from 2020. ... Of the $469.2 billion US digital buyers are projected to generate in online sales in 2021, $142.8 billion is expected to be spent on fashion. This constitutes 30.4 percent of total online sales in the US. - oberlo.com

2. Demand for quick bite-sized content.

This is no argument that the general attention span of humans is next to nothing when it comes to social media. We thrive off of 20 seconds videos that give us the adrenaline rush that we crave. So it doesn’t come as a shock to us to hear that in 2022 experts predict that the social media world is going to up their bite-size content game with more disappearing content and short format videos.

3. Facebook will stay on top….

Yes you heard right with this one, I too am asking myself, “but who is using Facebook other than our mammies?” apparently enough people to make it still the most used social media platform to this day.

During the second quarter of 2021, Facebook reported almost 1.9 billion daily active users (DAU). Overall, daily active users accounted for 66 percent of monthly active users. With roughly 2.89 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the most popular social network worldwide. -statista.com

Even with the success of other social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, they still have a long way to go to catch up with Facebook.

4. Social media will stay with us through everyday life

Now this one is an easy prediction as we know how addicted people are to their phones and keeping up to date with what’s happening in the social media world. As the number of social media users grows, the time that users are spending online is also growing. On average people spend around 145 minutes a day on social media, that’s 1 hour longer than what people were spending in 2012.

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Let me know what your 2022 Social Media predications are!

Carla Andreucetti



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